Obour Showroom
The Market Place the dealership is a place of living communication and human interaction, characterized by openness, transparency and spaciousness. Volkswagen architecture draws on the principle of a market place, bringing customer demand in direct contact with supply. It trains the spotlight on the customer and presents the diversity of the Volkswagen brand culture in all its depth and breadth.Against this backdrop corporate design develops a coherent, compelling structural language comprising clear cut dealership signage coupled with the use of high grade materials and presentation systems which serve to underscore profile of the Volkswagen brand.
The Architectural concept
Customer dialogue is the main focal point in the Volkswagen world. This is reflected in the architectural style of the Volkswagen dealership.
The multifunctional dealership (Obour premises) is based on the universal principal of the market place. This concept was developed by Volkswagen corporate design in conjunction with the Munich architects Prof. Schmidhber and Zeeh Bathos. It is based on the natural function of the market place, as we find them all over the world, which have been adapted to the requirements of a modern car dealership.
For Al Obour Volkswagen showroom, the 4 calonnade umbrella support market stand design and mezzanine floor has been adapted. Its display areas cover a total of 750 meters square and display an average of 13 cars.These cars are displayed within one large circle based on the circular market stand design. There is an additional 1220 square meters of Volkswagen offices plus a private client car pack that can hold up to 26 cars.
Shobra Showroom
Showroom and Head Office:
6 hassan nashaat st shubra el kheima
next to The pLastic Co.
Tel : 42206005 – 42204032